
Tuesday 13 December 2016

Price giving

On the 8 of December it was prices giving day for the year 5 to 8. I got the award for having excellence in music. Price giving was really fun because we all got to see what are items was. I had a lot of fun and I won three lolly necklaces and it was amazing i had to do a rap in front of every body I was pretty nervous. When I tried to rap the microphone was broken so know one could hear me but lucky for me, someone gave me a different microphone. So then I started from the top again. After that everyone sat down and listen to Mr Burt speak I was glade that it was over.      

Monday 5 December 2016

My story.

Boy 25
Organ surgeon
Hula Lulu
Mean, angry, he gets the job done, serious

In Hula Lulu there once was a very important organ surgeon called Mcluvn. Every day he would wake up doing the procedure on organs. There was a myth going around that he was the fastest, greatest at his job. So good that once he did three procedure by himself. He was was born with the fastest hands ever. So fast he could probably beat usain in a race with Mcluvn was on his hands and usain on his feet.

Mcluvn was walking through a pedestrian crossing when studently the traffic lights went green a car came speeding at him. He was motionless for a second, he quickly looked at the window to see who was driving but the window was painted like a limo. So mcluvn could not make out what it was. Smack!!, Mcluvn sprung to the side while his hands held onto the back of the van with an amazing grip. He climbed under the car while it was driving so he could follow this person.

In Mcluvns point of view he saw that the car had came to a stop. He heard a garage door open. The mysterious figure had got out the car and said with a exciting grin while boasting,  “A new terror has hit the heart of the city, we all know as alabaster! He is known as kayo the hacker!!. He can hack traffic lights anything really he is amazing know one can stop him!!” He slowly walked into the building while shouting that out. Mcluvn heard another voice coming from the same direction. TO BE CONTINUED.  

Friday 2 December 2016



Pseudoscience Task

Pseudoscience Task

Walt: Find and link information across a range of texts

Work on this Doc together with a partner.

What was the author's main message in pseudoscience
To learn how to counter the pseudoscience.  

Do not trust add’s.

Not everything is true.

what are some of the differences between scientists and advertisers?
Scientists are trying to discover stuff.
Advertisers convinces you to buy it
People trust scientists more than Advertisers.
Advertisers you trust less than Scientists

Write 3 sentences explaining something new you’ve learned from this reading.
Well I have learned from this book that you can be tricked and lied to when scientists claim what they have claimed. For example In 2011 they said that the world was going to end in 2012 But it was false.  
They said that a carrot can help your eye but that was a lie   

Ryan: Word problems 1

Thursday 24 November 2016

Our poster

Image result for explosion gif transparentImage result for explosion gif transparentImage result for explosion gif transparentImage result for explosion gif transparentImage result for explosion gif transparentImage result for explosion gif transparentImage result for explosion gif transparentImage result for mlg frog gifImage result for mlg frog gifImage result for mlg quickscope gifImage result for mlg quickscope gif
Rust forms when the metal is exposed to H20/Water and Oxygen it slowly eat the metal like a like the moths at your fabric it eat it until it is all gone and all that was there now it just a memory of where it was the moths well eat until it is gone and the rust well eat it until there is just red dust.   

Parakai Springs

Friday 14 October 2016

Immersion Assembly

The Immersion Assembly was about and different states of matter. Each class had a amazing pro foments. There was heaps of really cool experiments. My Favourite team's pro foments was team 5's because they got to make all the teacher's wet. 

All the experiment's that were pro formed was amazing. This week has been really cool. 

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Saia and Gabe Went on a trip to America. They went to see Khan Academy. Khan Academy on the first day. Then they went to google, I would love to go to google because it is amazing and cool. But Microsoft is my favourite because it made xbox. Now the xbox is my life It is amazing it helped me threw a lot. They want to Alcatraz prison. I've played a game bo3 and it has Alcatraz. to be contiued.      

Thursday 4 August 2016

Ryan muscle fatigue.

This is speak pipe speak pipe is a voice recorder that you can use for free. it's so easy to use. With speak pipe i got to finish a assignment witch i talked about muscle fatigue. Now muscle fatigue is when your muscles get very achy and it is hard to run. In other words it is when you run out of oxygen to go towards the muscles witch starts the poses of muscle fatigue.

The way's to prevent a muscle fatigue you exercise and eat healthy food drink. So we can finds more useful ways to bring are oxygen toward the muscle’s. Efficient means better, useful, E.C.S.   

Friday 27 May 2016

On the date 27/05/2016, my dad picked me up in the middle of school so we could go to an appointment but it was a surprise for me. While we were in the car I kept on thinking what kind of appointment was it I kept on thinking I'm going to the hospitable to get another needle. I absolutely hate needles. So I was pretty scared, when we arrived it did not look like a hospitable it looked like a warehouse when we went in to the building there was an elevator which was cool because I like elevators.

Then it was time to go into the the room. There were computers everywhere because it was a studio a gaming studio. They were in the making of a game called the Aetherlight. The hole thing was about the game, he showed me around to all of the stations there was the coders, the guys who coded the game. The quality assurance were the people who helped with the game and checked the game just encase you can't do this or that.

It was amazing because I got to see what it was like if I took that job. I was so happy because I got to see what it was like behind a game and I always thought that it would be just a video coming to life.It was mean. I would like to do what they are doing and now I know so I can Practice doing it better and finally I will be able to find the right job because I been searching for a game job but I don't have to search any more.

Friday 20 May 2016

Nail Art

The project that I'm working on is called nail art.
Nail art is a unique way of knitting but i think it is way better because you don't have to really learn how to do it because it's its just easy steps and it does not take that much time.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Immersion assembly

We had two weeks of holidays now it is back to school. Before we started work we had to have a immersion assembly. Immersion means something new. We had five groups, group 1, group 2, group 3, group 4 and group 5. Thirst there was group 1, group one did, the thing I like. There was a movie about the teachers and what they liked.

Group 2 Is going to do weather, and the effects of weather like a cold night or a sunny day. The weathers are summer, autumn, winter and spring. Those are what they are drawing in the movie it showed them sitting and wiring certain type of clothes witch match the seasons.        

Group 3 Remade grand designs it was funny. So they have been drawing buildings. Like big and small, long and tall. I can’t wait until I see all there all of there work Its going to be amazing.

Group 4 did comic books. Most of the comics were super heroes. There was captain america, super women, bat man, robin and a villain called Mr backside. They were called the Teachervengers. I would love to do what there are doing because they are doing comic books.       

Team 5 was racing, wearing our school house clothes. Each costume represented a meaning behind it. Like green was about the ancestors and blue was about the ocean and sea. Red was about blood sweat and tears and the yellow colour was the stars. The race was very entertaining.

The one I would like to do is group 4 because it looks very interesting because you get to look at supper heroes. You get to draw other supper heroes and you get to see movies about it.  

Friday 19 February 2016

What a good brother looks like

A good brother will all way's be there for someone in need. He looks out for you to do good things. If your in trouble a good brother will help you. A good brother is the right brother. When you need help they'll come and help you. It's so cool to have a brother there like a big blob of strength, speed, brains, helpfulness. In school your brothers are your class mates so your have lots of that big blob. Plus there your friends as well.

A good brother sounds like a helpful person there all way's giving you knowledge and interesting story's.      

Friday 12 February 2016

My new class room 1

Room 1 is my new class. The last 2 weeks have been amazing. I'm getting used to a new teacher and new friends. I think I have progressed in work. The last two weeks were cool we did swimming we found out are maths classes and literacy classes. I'm looking forward to the year 8 camp. I found the first to weeks of school amazing. I'm only nerviness about year 9 when I leave this school. In week one we had to stay in our class for all subject. But now we go to different classes. I like my new class.