
Wednesday 26 March 2014


Have you ever heard of the word W.I.T.S well you probably haven’t because it comes from our school. W.I.T.S means Walk away, Ignore it, Talk about it and Seek help.

Coming back to the word W.I.T.S have you ever wondered what the W stands for? Well I’m here to tell you so don’t read your books or play video games stay tuned and listen to what I have to say. W what a wonderful letter the letter W stands for Walk Away you might wonder why would you need to Walk Away Well lets say that someone is bullying you or saying mean things about you all you need to do is Walk Away. If you want to know what the other awesome letters of the alphabet means then read along.

Okay, now for the letter I the letter I stands for ignore it. To ignore it is to not listen to someone when they are swearing at you or saying mean things about you then you just ignore it that’s being a role model. so don’t swear or say something bad because you’ll get into trouble.

Talk to people that you no like teacher mum dad but try to talk to the bully but make it a positive not a negative if it was a negative he might not forgive you. If it was positive he might forgive you and then you could become friends.

When it gets to hard you can seek help by telling the teacher then the teacher will solve the problem but as I said before it’s better than going on detention and do not go straight away try the other steps seek is like the last thing to do but this is when you have nothing else to do out of Walk Away, Ignore It or Talk About It you find a teacher.

How can this help you this can help by all problems because it helps it can help it can help because if you are encouraged to have a fight you can do all of those things and I can promise you that using your WITS will help you. So enough from me just remember USE YOUR WITS!

year 5 and 6 camp of 2014

It was my first time and it was ''great'' the food was amazing. And the activates were so good my favorite was kayaking there were some like rules fork and spoon foot bum foot. Everybody fell of the kayak and I was rocking the kayak. It was the most fun ever like i was amazed.


Wednesday 12 March 2014


At camp the first day at camp it was amazing. We did this fun as game it was like really cool because we hat to jump on this thing and there were only 3 boards we all had to fit on it I got squished by every one after that we went kayaking that was fun to now im in my camp group's room.   

Tuesday 11 March 2014

around the bays

on the weekends i did around the bays with my family. And it was fun i did it on a scooter.  in the start it is very hard to get there but when you go past the starting  line you will be fine. it was hard to see my family because the people were in the way me and my brother went in front of my family and we tried to find my cousin we couldn't. we saw my mate and he went a long with us at the end of the walk we had some soda and some food.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Free Blog Writing

Once upon a time a guy went to sad pit of the neighbor hood and got jumped by a bunch of people he ran away he got a pole and smashed them in the head . The pole bent so he pull out a gun and bang he ran from the cops and jumped of the building and he was gone like that one of the the people fort that he was a villain. So he went to this group of people and told them to find this guy so they went he was on top of the building watching them. The people went to a house they smashed a part of the window and unlocked it . Went in they saw a guy that fell down on the side of the edge they were like identical it was weird one of them jumped in to an anther.

what was that it was the storm that changed me just like us i can be... to be continued   

Monday 3 March 2014

My Statistical Investigation

When the temperature goes high humidity goes low the highest that the humidity went was at 1:00 clock. I am finding out that what is the relationship between the temperature and humidity for the 23 of February. I think the bar graph is the best because it is more easy and better to see. I think that the humidity will go lower in the night.