
Friday 27 May 2016

On the date 27/05/2016, my dad picked me up in the middle of school so we could go to an appointment but it was a surprise for me. While we were in the car I kept on thinking what kind of appointment was it I kept on thinking I'm going to the hospitable to get another needle. I absolutely hate needles. So I was pretty scared, when we arrived it did not look like a hospitable it looked like a warehouse when we went in to the building there was an elevator which was cool because I like elevators.

Then it was time to go into the the room. There were computers everywhere because it was a studio a gaming studio. They were in the making of a game called the Aetherlight. The hole thing was about the game, he showed me around to all of the stations there was the coders, the guys who coded the game. The quality assurance were the people who helped with the game and checked the game just encase you can't do this or that.

It was amazing because I got to see what it was like if I took that job. I was so happy because I got to see what it was like behind a game and I always thought that it would be just a video coming to life.It was mean. I would like to do what they are doing and now I know so I can Practice doing it better and finally I will be able to find the right job because I been searching for a game job but I don't have to search any more.

Friday 20 May 2016

Nail Art

The project that I'm working on is called nail art.
Nail art is a unique way of knitting but i think it is way better because you don't have to really learn how to do it because it's its just easy steps and it does not take that much time.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Immersion assembly

We had two weeks of holidays now it is back to school. Before we started work we had to have a immersion assembly. Immersion means something new. We had five groups, group 1, group 2, group 3, group 4 and group 5. Thirst there was group 1, group one did, the thing I like. There was a movie about the teachers and what they liked.

Group 2 Is going to do weather, and the effects of weather like a cold night or a sunny day. The weathers are summer, autumn, winter and spring. Those are what they are drawing in the movie it showed them sitting and wiring certain type of clothes witch match the seasons.        

Group 3 Remade grand designs it was funny. So they have been drawing buildings. Like big and small, long and tall. I can’t wait until I see all there all of there work Its going to be amazing.

Group 4 did comic books. Most of the comics were super heroes. There was captain america, super women, bat man, robin and a villain called Mr backside. They were called the Teachervengers. I would love to do what there are doing because they are doing comic books.       

Team 5 was racing, wearing our school house clothes. Each costume represented a meaning behind it. Like green was about the ancestors and blue was about the ocean and sea. Red was about blood sweat and tears and the yellow colour was the stars. The race was very entertaining.

The one I would like to do is group 4 because it looks very interesting because you get to look at supper heroes. You get to draw other supper heroes and you get to see movies about it.